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javascript knockout data-bind

Hi i have got a bog standard value in here which holds how many products are in the chosen categories.. for some reason it is not letting me data-bind the length of


The length = 3 and i can see it in Google chrome watch list?

<!-- ko if: Categories().Products.length > 0 -->
    <span class="Basket right">
      <p data-bind:"value: Categories().Products.length"</p>

Any ideas?

Is the 'Categories().Products' observableArray? If so you should use 'Categories().Products()'

<!-- ko if: Categories().Products().length > 0 -->
    <span class="Basket right">
       <p data-bind:"value: Categories().Products().length"</p>

Not sure if you had a typo or not, but you need a colon after ko if

<!-- ko if: Categories().Products.length > 0 -->
    <span class="Basket right">
      <p data-bind:"value: Categories().Products.length"</p>
<!-- /ko -->

And, like @ilya said, you might need to make Products an observable array too.

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