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Multiple text data-bind using knockout

Hi i am trying to do a double data-bind on a option text. Now i want to include 2 things within the select drop-down.

I have tried this and it only brings back the last data-bind of the description. is there a way to do 1 data-bind and include both values using knockout?

<option value="" data-bind="text: Name, text: Description"></option>

You can do:

<option value="" data-bind="text: Name() + ' ' + Description()"></option>

Or better create a computed observable:

this.ComputedName = ko.computed(function (){ 
    return this.Name() + ' ' + this.Description();

and use it like this:

<option value="" data-bind="text: ComputedName"></option>

You might also consider options binding instead.

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