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Angular bootstrap datepicker start date function

I have this:

            <a href="#" data-bs-datepicker
               data-date-startDate="{{startDate(task)}}" data-ng-model="task.plannedEndDate"
               rel="tooltip" data-placement="left"
               title="${message(code: "dashboard.todosAndTasks.hint.editDueDate")}">
                {{task | dateIndication}}

and the function:

    $scope.startDate = function(task) {
        var d = new Date(task.plannedStartDate);
        var curr_date = d.getDate();
        var curr_month = d.getMonth() + 1; //Months are zero based
        var curr_year = d.getFullYear();
        var m = curr_date + "/" + curr_month + "/" + curr_year;
        return m;

The function gets called, I get a correct date-string logged in my console, but in the datepicker js, if I log the date received by this 'startDate' parameter, it's the actual string "{{startDate(task)}}" -> startDate automatically set to "today".

Why in the world does this happen?

++ only using data-date-startDate="startDate(task)", passess the string "startDate(task)" to the datepicker.js


Try this:

<a href="#" data-bs-datepicker
           start-date="{{startDate(task)}}" data-ng-model="task.plannedEndDate"
           rel="tooltip" data-placement="left"
           title="${message(code: "dashboard.todosAndTasks.hint.editDueDate")}">
            {{task | dateIndication}}

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