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bootstrap datepicker start at a specific date

I would like to have bootstrap start at a specific date. Let say 01.05.1970. I have tried

startDate and endDate but they limit range. I would like that when the date picker is clicked it's started at that specific date.

This is the code that I currently have.

  //language: "<? echo strtolower(_("LANGUAGE_ALPHA_2"));?>", 
    todayHighlight: true,
    todayBtn: true,
    format: "yy-mm-dd",
    //startDate: new Date('2000-01-01'),
    //endDate: new Date('2030-01-01'),
}).on('changeDate', function (e) {
     a = e.format(0,"yyyy-mm-dd");

I also tried this

//defaultViewDate: new Date(1977, 1, 1),
    //defaultViewDate: {year:1977, month:01, day:28},
    //defaultViewDate: new Date('1977-01-01'),
    defaultViewDate: '1977, 1, 1',

But none seem to work...

Use the defaultViewDate option.

    format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
    defaultViewDate: '2000-01-01'

You can see all the available options here .

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