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Hibernate Criterion in OneToMany relationship

I am trying to figure out how to use hibernate criterion to get a specific set of child elements when I retrieve the parent. I have created the following example entities:

Parent Class

public class Parent {
    private long parentId;

    private String name;

    private Set<Child> children

Child Class

public class Child {
    private long childId

    private Parent parent;

    private Gender gender;

Gender Class

public class Gender {
    private long genderId;

    private String genderInd;

Hibernate Criteria

    .createAlias("children", "c")
    .createAlias("c.gender", "g")
    .add(Restrictions.eq("g.genderInd", "M"))

This criteria gives me a list of Parents that have a male ("M") child, and it returns all of the children for each of those parents. How can I get a list of Parents that have a male child and only have the male children in the Parent.children set?

I searched days for the solution, i had the same problems, i have an object with a collection of traductions, and i wanted to query an object with the only current language.

I found this solution : https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.6/reference/en-US/html/filters.html

working for me, here a solution for you :

public class Parent {
    private long parentId;

    private String name;

    @Filter(name="gender", condition="gender.genderInd=:gender")
    private Set<Child> children

@FilterDef(name="genderFilter", parameters=@ParamDef( name="gender", type="string" ) )
public class Child {
    private long childId

    private Parent parent;

    private Gender gender;

And before you do your query :

Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
session.enableFilter("genderFilter").setParameter("gender", "M");
Criteria cr = getSession()
            .createAlias("children", "c")
            .createAlias("c.gender", "g");

Criterion Malechild = Restrictions.eq("g.genderInd", "M");

Criterion NFemaleChild = Restrictions.ne("g.genderInd", "F");

LogicalExpression andExp = Restrictions.and(Malechild, NFemaleChild);


List results = cr.list();

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