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ArrayList strange behavior

Im doing a app that takes data from a xml, put on a database, and the display this data (the name of the picture and the url) in a gridview of pictures. I added a onitemclicklistener to get the url (from the ArrayList), and transfere to another activity, so I can transform the url to a bitmap and display in a imageview.

   //cursor that returns all items from databse to a arraylist
    final Cursor cursor = entry.getAllRows();

            names = new ArrayList<Post>();

            //adding all database values to the arraylist
            while (cursor.isAfterLast() == false) {
                names.add(new Post(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("link"))));


now the onitemclicklistsner code:

            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position,
                    long id) {
                Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), FullImageActivity.class);

            Post text = names.get(position);
            Log.i("POSITION", "Exeption:"+position + " " + text);

                //i.putExtra("id", text);


Im getting the right position, but the problem is that i cannot get the corresponding url from the position. Its not displayng a link, but displayng this: com.example.partedoxml.Post@42b191d8 The question is how I cant get a single item position from the arraylist?

your problem is


what you are trying to do is getting the Post object not the name

so in your Post Class there will be a filed named by Name

get that name like

in post class create getter and setter for name and then in your listener write

String name =names.get(position).getName();


in your post class make name public

public String name;

and then in your listener

 String name =names.get(position).name;

or what you are doing

   Post text = names.get(position);  
   Log.i("POSITION", "Exeption:"+position + " " + text.name);

You are getting one post by index (index being you specifying in the position variable).

You need to implement public String toString(){} method in your Post class to see field values within the Post object.

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