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DI Chaining Dependencies with Ninject

Consider the following code snip where we implement ILogger with all applications using BaseLogger . But then we have a scenario where we need to log somewhere specific for a customer, such as a database or to some enterprise App monitor so we have CustomerSpecificLogger that also implements ILogger

The cTor for CustomerSpecificLogger requires a type of ILogger be passed in, in this case we want an instance of BaseLogger passed in to perform both logging functions.

I know how to bind ILogger with Ninject, but how do you bind two different ILoggers and tell Ninject when to use each?

interface ILogger
        void Log(string msg);

    class BaseLogger : ILogger
        public void Log(string msg)

    class CustomerSpecificLogger : ILogger
        private ILogger BaseLogger { get; set; }

        CustomerSpecificLogger(ILogger baseLogger)
            BaseLogger = baseLogger;

        public void Log(string msg)
            //Log to somewhere specific per customer request

I've tried searching around for this but I'm struggling with what this would be called. So alas, I'm coming up empty handed.

Update If I try to bind both, hoping that it uses some type of index to do the binding, it errors out:


Error: More than one matching bindings are available.

Update 2 This is called ContextualBinding in Ninject and is documented here

I think I have this figured out now.

WithConstructorArgument(name, value) sounds like not?

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Modules;

public interface ILogger
    void Log(string msg);

public class BaseLogger : ILogger
    public void Log(string msg)

public class CustomerSpecificLogger : ILogger
    private ILogger BaseLogger { get; set; }

    public CustomerSpecificLogger(ILogger baseLogger)
        BaseLogger = baseLogger;

    public void Log(string msg)
        //Log to somewhere specific per customer request

// kernel.Load() in Program.Main() automatically load and bind this.
public class Bindings : NinjectModule
    public override void Load()
#if true // or some App.config, anything...
        Bind<ILogger>().To<CustomerSpecificLogger>().InSingletonScope().WithConstructorArgument("baseLogger", new BaseLogger());

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var kernel = new StandardKernel();

        var logger = kernel.Get<ILogger>();


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