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How can i access a Model in another Namespace in Zend2?

i am new to zend2, i have created a model(class) in a namespace, and i want to make an instance of this model within a controller from another namespace , so do you know how can i do this?

Thanks Tarek

Please put classes names and namespaces here. Of course, you can create class from another namespace, all you need is to use that namespace. Eg

   $x = new MyNamespace\SuperClass\Hello\MySuperClass();
   ----     <---------namespace---------><-className---> 

to avoid writing each time whole namespace, you can use use at beginning of the script

namespace currentNamespace;

use MyNamespace\SuperClass\Hello;

class myClass() {
    public function something() {
        $x = new MySuperClass(); // instead of MyNamespace\SuperClass\Hello\MySuperClass();

I found a solution as following: in Module.php i should register my Model(class):

public function getServiceConfig()
    return array(

        'invokables' => array(
            'User' => 'Application\Model\User'

and later when i want to use it within another class i call it this way:

$User = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('User');

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