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Dynamically populate php array using foreach loop

How can I implement the code:

$numberList3 = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
 $numberList3[$i] = $i;

Using a foreach loop as the no. of times the loop is going to execute is decided by the user at run time. Any suggestion.?

Use array_fill maybe?

$n = 10;
$arr = array_fill(0,$n,0);
foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
  $arr[$k] = $k;

Or, as suggested by @ deceze , use range

$n = 10;
$arr = array();
foreach(range(0,$n-1) as $v) {
  $arr[$v] = $v;

Or when the value is the same as the key, you can use just this:

$n = 10;
$arr = range(0,$n-1);
// no foreach needed

foreach() works for object and array not for a single value.

What you can do create an array or object from users input.


$userInput = 10;
$forEachArray = array_fill(0, $userInput, 0);

$arrayToDisplay = array();
foreach($forEachArray as $key){
   $arrayToDisplay[$key] = $key;

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