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Rotated Paraboloid Surface Fitting

I have a set of experimentally determined (x, y, z) points which correspond to a parabola. Unfortunately, the data is not aligned along any particular axis, and hence corresponds to a rotated parabola.

I have the following general surface: Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + Dxy + Gyz + Hzx + Ix + Jy + Kz + L = 0

I need to produce a model that can represent the parabola accurately using (I'm assuming) least squares fitting. I cannot seem to figure out how this works. I have though of rotating the parabola until its central axis lines up with z-axis but I do not know what this axis is. Matlab's cftool only seems to fit equations of the form z = f(x, y) and I am not aware of anything in python that can solve this. I also tried solving for the parameters numerically. When I tried making this into a matrix equation and solving by least squares, the matrix turned out to be invertible and hence my parameters were just all zero. I also am stuck on this and any help would be appreciated. I don't really mind the method as I am familiar with matlab, python and linear algebra if need be.


Dont use any toolboxes, GUIs or special functions for this problem. Your problem is very common and the equation you provided may be solved in a very straight-forward manner. The solution to the linear least squares problem can be outlined as:

  1. The basis of the vector space is x^2, y^2, z^2, xy, yz, zx, x, y, z, 1. Therefore your vector has 10 dimensions.
  2. Your problem may be expressed as Ap=b, where p = [ABCDEFGHIJKL]^T is the vector containing your parameters. The right hand side b should be all zeros, but will contain some residual due to model errors, uncertainty in the data or for numerical reasons. This residual has to be minimized.
  3. The matrix A has a dimension of N by 10, where N denotes the number of known points on surface of the parabola.

A = [x(1)^2 y(1)^2 ... y(1) z(1) 1


x(N)^2 y(N)^2 ... y(N) z(N) 1]

  1. Solve the overdetermined system of linear equations by computing p = A\\b.

Do you have enough data points to fit all 10 parameters - you will need at least 10?

I also suspect that 10 parameters are to many to describe a general paraboloid, meaning that some of the parameters are dependent. My fealing is that a translated and rotated paraboloid needs 7 parameters (although I'm not really sure)

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