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What's a simple way to share gradle settings between gradle builds

I've got an app which now includes a gradle build for a wearable app.

So both build.gradle files have something like

    versionCode 1230
    versionName "1.23.0"

Is there a simple properties file I can place the two values in and then reference them in both builds so I don't forget to update both and help ensure they both stay the same?

A gradle.properties file in the project root will have its properties injected as what amount to global variables available to your build.gradle files.

So, for example, I might have a gradle.properties file in the project root that has:


Then, in modulename/build.gradle (where modulename is app or anddown or whatever your module is), I can refer to those values:

apply plugin: 'maven'

uploadArchives {
    repositories.mavenDeployer {
        pom.groupId = PUBLISH_GROUP_ID
        pom.artifactId = PUBLISH_ARTIFACT_ID
        pom.version = PUBLISH_VERSION

        repository(url: LOCAL_REPO)

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