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BroadCast Receiver Battery Status error

i'm trying to use in my project a broadcast receiver which listens to battery status of charging/not charging and throw a toast in each of the options . every time i change the charger status in the app ,the app crash. (if i start the app with the charger connected it's show me the right toast but when i uncharge the phone the app crashes) here is the code thanks in advance

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
IntentFilter ifilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED);
Intent batteryStatus = this.registerReceiver(null, ifilter);
int status = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);

boolean isCharging = status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING ||
                     status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL;


        Toast.makeText(this, "Charging", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Toast.makeText(this, "Charger not connected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

UPDATE i'm having an hard time to understand what i suppose to do. i'm pretty new so be patient with me :)

here is the code i made

    public class MainActivity extends Activity  {

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        public void checkBatteryState(View sender) {
            IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED);
            Intent batteryStatus = registerReceiver(null, filter);

            int chargeState = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1);
            String strState;

            switch (chargeState) {
                case BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING:
                case BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL:
                    strState = "charging";
                    Toast.makeText(this, strState, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                    strState = "not charging";
                    Toast.makeText(this, strState, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


is this what you're using?

Maybe you haven't ensured your Intent is sticky.

My advice would be not to use a registerreceiver with a null argument.

Try this method for creating a broadcastreceiver: How to send data to another app which is not started

put your Toasts in the onReceive() function.

The code is not actually registering a receiver, just getting a sticky broadcast. If the broadcast has never been sent the this will return null which will cause a NPE in the remaining code.

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