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How to add an array to an existing two-dimensional array (for use in Highcharts)

I am trying to insert an array into a two-dimensional array. But whatever I try - inserting it as an array, as text, array_push, ... - it won't do what I want.

I have this piece of code which describes the content and look-and-feel of a graph:

$data_ = array( "chart"  => array("renderTo" => "container", "type" => "spline", 
                                     "zoomType" => "xy"), 
                "tooltip"   => array("shared" => true, "crosshairs" => true),
                "series"    => $data);

Now, based on a parameter passed through the JSON call, it could be that the border of the graph shall be displayed (default is "no border").

if ($_GET["border"] == true)
    $border = array("borderWidth" => 1, "borderRadius" => 5, "borderColor" => "#666", "shadow" => true);

Now, how do I get the $border into the " chart "-part of $data_ ?

I tried something like this (by defining the $border before the $data_ ):

$data_ = array( "chart"  => array("renderTo" => "container", "type" => "spline", 
                                     "zoomType" => "xy", $border), 
                "tooltip"   => array("shared" => true, "crosshairs" => true),
                "series"    => $data);

and like this:

$data_["chart"][] = $border;

(plus many others). But this always results - obviously and understandably - in $border being inserted as an array in "chart", and not having the params at the same level, that is:

I get this:

$data_ = array( "chart"  => array("renderTo" => "container", "type" => "spline", 
                                     "zoomType" => "xy", 
                                     array("borderWidth" => 1, "borderRadius" => 5, "borderColor" => "#666", "shadow" => true)), 

instead of this:

$data_ = array( "chart"  => array("renderTo" => "container", "type" => "spline", 
                                     "zoomType" => "xy", 
                                     "borderWidth" => 1, "borderRadius" => 5, "borderColor" => "#666", "shadow" => true), 

I guess the solution is pretty simple, but unfortunately not known to me. Thanks a lot for any hints!

I'd try with $data_['chart'] = array_merge($data_['chart'], $border);

An example:

$a = array("chart" => array(1, 2, 3));
$b = array(4, 5, 6);
$a['chart'] = array_merge($a['chart'], $b);


array(6) {

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