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How i can get list with names of all queues in remote websphere application server?

I connect to remote was with AdminClient and get list of queues with some code:

AdminClient client = new AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props);
Set<ObjectName> s = client.queryNames(new ObjectName("WebSphere:*"),null);
if (!s.isEmpty()){
     Iterator i = s.iterator();
     while (i.hasNext){
          ObjectName on = i.next();
          String type = on.getKeyProperty("type");
          if ("SIBQueuePoint".eqquals(type)){

This list me queues with JMS provider "Default Messaging provider". But also, i have some queues with "Websphere MQ messaging provider", which not exist in this list.

How i can get list with all queues from all JMS providers?

Srry for late. As i promise, here is the script in python language.

All you have to do is to replace your scope and your resource file.

import sys, java, java.io, java.lang

lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty('line.separator')

def listMQQCF(scope):
    scopeID = AdminConfig.getid(scope)
    scopeName = scope[scope.rfind(":")+1:scope.rfind("/")]
    wmqQCFList = AdminConfig.list('MQQueueConnectionFactory', scopeID).split(lineSeparator)
    MQQCFListHeader = "\n#==== MQQueueConnectionFactoryList " + scopeName + " ===="
    MQQCFListHeader = MQQCFListHeader + "\n#[name, jndiName, ,description, queueManager, transportType, host, port, channel, ConmaxConn, ConminCon, SessionmaxConn, SessionminConn]\n"  
    MQQCFList = "MQQueueConnectionFactoryList = [\\\n"
    if (len(wmqQCFList) > 0):
        for wmqQCF in wmqQCFList:
            wmqQCFName = wmqQCF[wmqQCF.rfind("/")+1:wmqQCF.find("|")]
            if (scopeName == wmqQCFName):
                name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'name')
                jndiName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'jndiName')
                description = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'description')
                if (description == None): description = ""
                queueManager = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'queueManager')                
                transportType = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'transportType')
                host = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'host')
                port = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'port')
                channel = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'channel')
                connPool = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'connectionPool')
                sessionPool = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQCF, 'sessionPool')
                connTimeout = AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "connectionTimeout")
                maxConn = AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "maxConnections")
                minConn = AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "minConnections")
                reapTime = AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "reapTime")
                unusedTimeout =  AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "unusedTimeout")
                agedTimeout = AdminConfig.showAttribute(connPool, "agedTimeout")
                sesconnTimeout = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "connectionTimeout")
                sesmaxConn = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "maxConnections")
                sesminConn = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "minConnections")
                sesreapTime = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "reapTime")
                sesunusedTimeout =  AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "unusedTimeout")
                sesagedTimeout = AdminConfig.showAttribute(sessionPool, "agedTimeout")
                MQQCFList = MQQCFList + "['" + name + "','" + jndiName + "','" + description + "','" +  queueManager + "','" + transportType + "','" + host + "','" + port + "','" + channel + "','" + maxConn + "','" + minConn + "','" + sesmaxConn + "','" + sesminConn + "'],\\\n"
    if (MQQCFList[len(MQQCFList)-3] == ","):
        MQQCFList = MQQCFList[0:len(MQQCFList)-3] + "]\n"
        MQQCFList = MQQCFList[0:len(MQQCFList)-2] + "]\n"
    return MQQCFListHeader + MQQCFList

def listMQQueue(scope):
    scopeID = AdminConfig.getid(scope)
    scopeName = scope[scope.rfind(":")+1:scope.rfind("/")]
    objdmgr = AdminControl.queryNames('WebSphere:type=Server,name=dmgr,*')
    version = objdmgr[objdmgr.find("version")+8:]
    wmqQueueList = AdminConfig.list('MQQueue', scopeID).split(lineSeparator)
    MQQueueListHeader = "\n#==== MQQueueList " + scopeName + "  ====\n#[name, jndiName, description, baseQueueName, baseQMgrName, persistence, priority, targetClient, messageBody]\n"
    MQQueueList = "MQQueueList = [\\\n"
    if (len(wmqQueueList) > 0) :
        for wmqQueue in wmqQueueList:
            wmqQueueName = wmqQueue[wmqQueue.rfind("/")+1:wmqQueue.find("|")]
            if (scopeName == wmqQueueName):
                name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'name')
                jndiName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'jndiName')
                description = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'description')
                if (description == None):   description = ""
                baseQueueName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'baseQueueName')
                baseQMgrName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'baseQueueManagerName')
                if (baseQMgrName == None):  baseQMgrName = ""
                persistence = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'persistence')    
                priority = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'priority')
                targetClient = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'targetClient')
                if (version =='8'):
                    messageBody = AdminConfig.showAttribute(wmqQueue, 'messageBody')
                    messageBody = ""                
                MQQueueList = MQQueueList + "['" + name + "','" + jndiName + "','" + description + "','" + baseQueueName + "','" + baseQMgrName + "','" + persistence + "','" + priority + "','" + targetClient + "','" + messageBody + "'],\\\n"               
    if (MQQueueList[len(MQQueueList)-3] == ","):
        MQQueueList = MQQueueList[0:len(MQQueueList)-3] + "]\n"
        MQQueueList = MQQueueList[0:len(MQQueueList)-2] + "]\n"
    return MQQueueListHeader + MQQueueList



objItemFileOutputStream = java.io.FileOutputStream(fileName, 1)
scopeID = AdminConfig.getid(scope)
if ( scopeID <> ""):
    list = listRes(objType, scope)
    print "\n" + scope + "\t Failed: Incorrect scopes!\n"

Good Luck!

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