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AngularJS Pagination - Get Current Page and Pass to Controller

I am implementing server-side sorting and pagination, and I need to pass the current page that the user is on so that if they sort and are on a page different than the first page (ex. sort by "least votes" on page 5 does not show the resorted results from page 1 on page 5 but shows the resorted results that should be on page 5). Basically, I need in place sorting but can't figure out how to get the current page.

Server side paging is working without issue, and I believe I am missing something simple here.

HTML (please note that I am using this custom directive: https://github.com/michaelbromley/angularUtils/tree/master/src/directives/pagination )

<tr dir-paginate="article in articles | itemsPerPage:articlesPerPage" total-items="totalArticles" current-page="currentPage">

    <div class="col-md-1 voting well">
        <div class="votingButton" ng-click="upVote(articlevote);">
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></i>
        <div class="badge badge-inverse">
        <div class="votingButton" ng-click="downVote(articlevote);">
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></i>
<td><a ng-href="#article/{{article.id}}/{{article.articlelink}}">{{article.articletitle}}</a></td>
<dir-pagination-controls on-page-change="pageChanged(newPageNumber)"></dir-pagination-controls>


$scope.articles = [];
$scope.totalArticles = 0;
$scope.articlesPerPage = 10; // this should match however many results your API puts on one page
$scope.currentPage = 1;

   // sort options
$scope.sortoptions = [
    label: 'Most Votes',
    value: 'articlevotes desc',
    label: 'Least Votes',
    value: 'articlevotes asc',

var sortBy = $scope.sortoptions[0].value;
var currPage = $scope.currentPage; // Get current page

// Initial page load
getResultsPage(1, sortBy);

$scope.update = function (articleSortOrder) {
    // get value of sort and log it
    sortBy = articleSortOrder.value;

    // log current page and pass as parameter
    getResultsPage(currPage, sortBy); // need to make dynamic so it gets current page

$scope.pageChanged = function (newPage) {
    getResultsPage(newPage, sortBy);

function getResultsPage(pageNumber, sortorder) {

    // currently skipping by page number * articles per page
    pfcArticles.query({ $skip: (pageNumber - 1) * $scope.articlesPerPage, $top: $scope.articlesPerPage, $orderby: sortorder, $inlinecount: 'allpages' }, function (data) {
        $scope.articles = data.results;
        $scope.totalArticles = data.count; // Can change to hard number to reduce total items instead of LimitTo

The problem is that you are assigning:

var currPage = $scope.currentPage;

So currPage is set to 1 as your controller is instantiated, and is then never changed. So when you reference currPage later in the controller, it remains 1 .

You should instead directly reference the $scope.currentPage value, which will get updated by the pagination directive.

So try changing the "update" method to this:

$scope.update = function (articleSortOrder) {
    sortBy = articleSortOrder.value;
    getResultsPage($scope.currentPage, sortBy);

This should pass the correct current page value to your service.

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