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How to convert loaded bytes into image without ImageIO.read()

I can't use ImageIO.read() because of my own restrictions. I can only load bytes after GET request and I need to save this bytes to file as image. But it seems to me, that there also loads some extra data, which browser usually filter (maybe response headers). So I get the array of raw bytes which I even can't open as image.

What should I do with this bytes?


byte[] buf = ContentLoader.loadBytes(new URL("http://images.visitcanberra.com.au/images/canberra_hero_image.jpg"));
try {
            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:\\image.jpg"));
        } catch (IOException e) {

loadBytes() method:

public static byte[] loadBytes(URL url) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream boutArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
            BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 16];
            while (bin.read(buffer) != -1) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        return boutArray.toByteArray();

Usual problems. The standard way to copy a stream in Java is:

int count;
while ((count = in.read(buffer)) > 0)
    out.write(buffer, 0, count);

Note that you need to store the result returned by read() into a variable; that you need to use it in the next write() call; that you shouldn't flush() inside a loop; and that you need to close the input and output streams.

And why you're using a ByteArrayInputStream at all is a mystery. It's just a waste of time and space. Read directly from the URL input stream, and write directly to the FileOutputStream .

The following code works for me:-

    URL url = new URL("my url...");
    InputStream is = url.openStream();
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("img.jpg");

    byte[] b = new byte[2048];
    int length;

    while ((length = is.read(b)) != -1) {
        os.write(b, 0, length);


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