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List of Rcpp sugar functions?

I'm just getting started with Rcpp and wondering if somewhere out there a list of Rcpp sugar functions exists. In the process of translating some of my slow code to C/C++ I'll need functionality provided by base R functions like match , tabulate , and which .

According to Hadley's Advanced R book match is implemented and the Rcpp-sugar vignette lists a few more available functions though it doesn't seem comprehensive.

What I'm really wondering is: is there a way to find, in the documentation of the package, or elsewhere, what sweet-sweet-sweet functions are available and what I'll have to write for myself? With any other R package I'd go directly to R> help(package = "Rcpp") but that doesn't seem to be much help in this case.

As luck would have it, I started to document the Rcpp API in a more accessible manner than what is offered by the doxygen documentation. This documentation includes the Rcpp sugar set of functions alongside usable examples. I'm hopeful that Rcpp should ship with this documentation in the 0.13.0.

In the interim, you can view the source and contribute here:


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