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Automapper ignore property on generics mapping

This generic method works fine :

public static U PropertyAutomapper<T, U>(T source)
    where T : class, new()
    where U : class, new()
    Mapper.CreateMap(typeof(T), typeof(U));
    return Mapper.Map<T, U>(source);

I have this interface :

public interface IPassword
    string Password { get; set; }

I'd like ignore this property (' Password ')but I don't have 'ignore' in the intelissense

public static U PropertyAutomapperNoPassword<T, U>(T source)
    where T : IPassword
    where U : IPassword
    Mapper.CreateMap(typeof(T), typeof(U))...   
    return Mapper.Map<T, U>(source);

Any idea ?


Try this:

Mapper.CreateMap<T, U>()
    .ForMember(dest => dest.Password, opt => opt.Ignore())

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