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Translate path with rails i18n

I have a rails 4.0.0 app running with friendly_id and globalize (even if freindly_id and globalize might not matter for this question).

Part of my routes.rb is:

scope "(:locale)", locale: /en|de/ do
  resources :mainclasses, :path => :types

I now would like to have the ":path => :types" just for the english version (creating a url like www.website.com/types/etc, the german version should be ":path => :typen" (creating www.website.com/de/typen/etc).

Is there a way to change the path depending on the current locale?

I suggest you take a look at route_translator gem . It'll help you translate your routes to any locale, handle the locale with a scope or a subdomain, etc.

From your example, your would have something like this:

MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
  localized do
    resources :mainclasses, path: :types

Along with a locale file routes.yml :

    types: types
    types: typen

Hope it helps.

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