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REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING when trying to access the Salesforce API with beatbox

I am using beatbox to access the SOAP API of Salesforce. More specifically, I am trying to convert a Lead using convertLead like so

# Assuming soap_client is a PythonClient already logged in and
# lead is a Lead object.

response = soap_client.convertLead({
    'leadId': lead.pk,
    'convertedStatus': "Qualified - converted",

According to the documentation this endpoint should not need any more parameter than leadId and convertedStatus , however the response contains the following error message

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Company_Name__c]: [Company_Name__c] (System Code)UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION00Qg0000003Er0pEACfalse

It is good to mention that lead (the Lead object to be converted) actually contains a non empty Company field.

Any idea of what could cause this error message? I tried to specifically add a companyName field to the API call but it did not help.

As per your explanation you are getting the error of Required fields are missing (Company_Name__c) and you tried to assign the value to this "companyName" field, But you are getting error for custom field not standard salesforce field.

So i think when you are converting it, then may be some account / contact custom field is required [Required fields are missing: [Company_Name__c]]. So you need to assign value of that field explicitly in your code.

If you want to map the custom field then please check below link :


Otherwise if you did not want to check required field on lead conversion then you can disable that using following steps : 1. Login to your salesforce org. 2. Setup 3. Customize 4. Leads 5. Settings 6. Edit and uncheck the "Require Validation for Converted Leads".

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