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How can I efficiently import css values into javascript file?

I have a colors.less file that maintains consistent color palette for a site.

I also have a chart.js file that requires hard coded colors to display chart elements in appropriate colors.

How can I make the chart colors dependent on the generated colors.css file?

So far I've been maintaining two color palettes, one in less and another in js . How can I merge the two?


/* colors.less */
@green:    #46a546;
@red:      #9d261d;
@yellow:   #f1c40f;


/* chart.js */
var chartElements = {
    "apples": {
        label: "Apples",
        color: "#46a546",
    "oranges": {
        label: "Oranges",
        color: "#f1c40f",
    "grapes": {
        label: "Grapes",
        color: "#9d261d",

How can I stop maintaining both sets of colors?

Even tho Pointy's answer may fit better here (talking about LESS), I want to remind that you can access stylesheet data directly via ECMAscript. You might be able to identify a specific rule and just grab the value. Might look like

[].forEach.call(document.styleSheets, function( set ) {
  if( set.href && set.href.indexOf( 'dialog.css' ) > -1 ) {
    [].forEach.call( set.cssRules, function( rule ) {
      if( rule.selectorText === 'div#dialog-container-left' ) {
        // to whatever here, grab the value and store it for global application usage
        console.log( rule.style.backgroundColor );

Having that exact problem, I "solved" it with the following hack.

  1. The CSS includes a list of "swatch-nn" classes ( swatch-1 , swatch-2 , and so on). Those get the pre-defined LESS constants as their background color. (For me, a simple numerically-ordered list works; other situations might call for other approaches.)

  2. My SPA wrapper creates a (hidden) list of elements that have the swatch classes.

     <div id=swatches> <div class=swatch-1> <div class=swatch-2> <!-- etc --> </div> 
  3. Some JavaScript code at application startup populates a globally-available list of colors from the swatches.

     var swatches = {}, $swatchContainer = $("#swatches"), rname = /\\bswatch-(.*)\\b/; $swatchContainer.children("div").each(function() { var swatch = this; this.className.replace(rname, function(_, label) { swatches[label] = $(swatch).css("backgroundColor"); }); }) $.swatches = swatches; 

My Chart.js code thus copies the color values out of that global array. It's crude but it works fine.

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