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Kendo UI Grid ASP.NET MVC - UI Weird

Well I'am using Kendo UI grid inside an ASP.NET MVC Application. My goal is to remove some items on a filter A when a particular javascript event is raised by another filter B.

So, I've started with setting up a custom UI for my column CategoryId :

                  .Columns(columns =>
     columns.ForeignKey(p => p.CategoryId, Model.Categories, "CategoryId", "CategoryName")
    .Filterable(filterable => filterable.UI("categoryFilter")));

Somewhere before the above I've defined my javascript UI function :

function categoryFilter(element) {
    console.log('Kendo UI will never run me '); // Unreachable part
        dataSource: customDataSource, 
        optionLabel: "--Select Value--"

Kendo grid never call function categoryFilter , nevertheless an error is raised by kendo when I try to use an invalid function name, eg :

// Kendo raise an error here
.Filterable(filterable => filterable.UI("functionWitchDoesntExist")));

Question : What have I miss to make my UI filter work?

Another solution for my issue is if I can just get by jQuery the existing filter. Something like :


you can use the databound event:

Events(Function(o) o.DataBound("YourFunction")

and add or remove filter in the javascript:

YourFunction function (yourValues)
    var filter = {
        logic: "or",
        filters: []

        { field: "Status", operator: "contains", value: yourValues },
        { field: "PriorityLevelDisplayText", operator: "or", value: yourValues},



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