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Calculating sum between related tables

I created a test database so I can illustrate my problem:

create table A(
    id int(11) primary key not null,
    price decimal(10,2)

create table B(
    id int(11) primary key not null,
    id_a int(11) not null,
    foreign key(id_a) references A(id)
    on update cascade
    on delete restrict

insert into A values

insert into B values

That is a simplified example of some articles(A) and their prices, and a bill(B) on which there is id of bill and foreign key that represent what article is bought.

I need query to find profit from all sold articles. So to go through table B and and find the sum of all prices of sold articles.

You could just join the two tables:

FROM   a
JOIN   b ON b.id_a = a.id

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