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Mocking static Liferay method

I'm trying to mock the PortalUtil.getPortal() method like so

Portal mockPortal = Mockito.mock(Portal.class);

I'm getting the below error

when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:

Also, this error might show up because:
1. you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods.
Those methods *cannot* be stubbed/verified.
2. inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object.
3. the parent of the mocked class is not public.
It is a limitation of the mock engine.

I know Mockito cannot mock static methods but I'm also using PowerMock which is supposed to make this possible. I also tried using PowerMockito.mockStatic() instead of PowerMock.mockStatic()

I have the below annotations at class level


What am I missing?

After using this bit of code I stopped getting NPE

Portal mockPortal = Mockito.mock(Portal.class);
new PortalUtil().setPortal(mockPortal);

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