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ResourceBundle (Java)

I need the character like 'шел' in my .properties file.

It seems like ISO 8859-1 (Which seems to be the default .properties encoding) doesnt like these, and displays them as ?.

I want to support this characters, what to do?

EDIT: I made it work now, but everytime I use this it converts my file from UTF-8 to ANSI (So the file gets replaced with the same file but then in ANSI), really weird. Code: http://pastebin.com/r0h3CKXF

Any idea why this happens??


The Oracle JDK contains a tool named native2ascii that converts property files to Latin-1. Write your .property file in UTF-8, and then call

/path/to/jdk/bin/native2ascii -encoding utf8 input.properties output.properties

You can also read UTF-8 encoded .property files. See How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle for a detailed description.

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