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Sending Complex Object From Angular to SignalR

I am having trouble sending a complex object to my SignalR hub. My JavaScript object matches exactly to my C# object, so I would expect everything to work. However, I am unable to hit my UpdateEmployee method. I have other methods in my hub that work just fine with simple types. Here is what I currently have implemented -

SignalR Hub

public void UpdateEmployee(int userId, Employee employee)
    // Update employee

Where Employee is defined as

public class Employee: Persistable
    public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

Which just simply inherits Persistable

public class Persistable
    [DataMember(Name = "id")]
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")]
    public int Id { get; set; }

I am trying to hit that method from my SignalR JavaScript client

$.connection.myHub.server.updateEmployee(userId, employee);

Where my employee object in JavaScript looks like

{ Id: 1, FirstName: "Test", LastName: "One", DateOfBirth: "01012001" } 

Is there anything I am doing wrong here?

Have you tried it without the DateOfBirth value?

Perhaps it isn't able to bind your value 01012001 to the nullable DateTime? I have a feeling it has to be either NULL or a bindable value, else the binding will actually fail.

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