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Replacing Spring bean injection via XML with annotation injection

I want to declare and inject a bean through annotations. It was previously done through XML, but I need to apply on a Spring Boot project.

Here is the source xml

<oauth:resource-details-service id="rds">

The bean was later used like this

<bean class="org.springframework.security.oauth.consumer.client.OAuthRestTemplate">
    <constructor-arg ref="oauth1"/>

The only way I found is through direct instantiation

BaseProtectedResourceDetails resourceDetails = new BaseProtectedResourceDetails();
OAuthRestTemplate restTemplate = new OAuthRestTemplate(resourceDetails);

What would be the proper way to do this?

I am not sure you are searching for this explanation. But if I understand you question then following information may help you.

For Sample configuration class you can see this example.

package com.tutorialspoint;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.*;

public class TextEditorConfig {

   public TextEditor textEditor(){
      return new TextEditor( spellChecker() );

   public SpellChecker spellChecker(){
      return new SpellChecker( );

And for registering configuration class, you can see this SO answer .

See this for @Service, @Component, @Repository, @Controller, @Autowired related example.

you can use @Bean annotation in your main class for example:

public class Application{

 public OAuthRestTemplate getAuth(){
   BaseProtectedResourceDetails resourceDetails = new BaseProtectedResourceDetails();

   return new OAuthRestTemplate(resourceDetails);

and after use @Autowired to inject the object

private OAuthRestTemplate oAuthRestTemplate;

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