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Getting 403 error and “n.ajaxTransport.k.cors.a.crossDomain.send” when sending a post request using Node.js

I am trying to send a simple ajax request while using node.js :

  type: "POST",
  data: { name: "John", location: "Earth" }

But I am getting the following error:

POST http://localhost:3000/ 403 (Forbidden)jquery-2.1.3.min.js:4      
n.extend.ajaxVM475:2 (anonymous function)VM465:777 
InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrapVM465:626 InjectedScript.evaluate

I have a controller set up that handles other types of POST requests, but for some reason it won't handle this one.

I thought that perhaps it was occuring because I was running the code in the console, but when I did the following I got the same error message:

$(document).on('click',function() {
    type: "POST",
    data: { name: "John", location: "Earth" }

ALSO, when I use type:"GET" it works no problem. I am assuming it is some sort of cross site scripting error , but I'm not scripting cross site? What do I need to do to send this POST request?

UPDATE, I am using the hackathon starter package: https://github.com/sahat/hackathon-starter#why-do-i-get-403-error-forbidden-when-submitting-a-form Which states the following:

"You need to add the following hidden input element to your form. This has been added in the pull request #40 as part of the CSRF protection. input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)

Note: It is now possible to whitelist certain URLs. In other words you can specify a list of routes that should bypass CSRF verification check.

Note 2: To whitelist dynamic URLs use regular expression tests inside the CSRF middleware to see if req.originalUrl matches your desired pattern."

There are two solutions to this problem:

1) Inside of app.js change the line csrf: true to csrf: false , as in the following:

  csrf: false,
  xframe: 'SAMEORIGIN',
  xssProtection: true

2) Delete the lusca module and delete all of the following references to it inside of app.js :

var lusca = require('lusca');

  csrf: false,
  xframe: 'SAMEORIGIN',
  xssProtection: true

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