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Sumifs from an Array in Excel VBA

I want to do a sumif from an array but i am not sure how to reference a full column in an array. For instance i have the following data in excel (in columns A and B) and code that works fine,

RR TT 1 J 2 K 3 J 4 K 5 J 5 K 6 J 7 K 8 J 9 K

 Sub test() 
 Dim s As Range 
 Dim s2 As Range
 Set s = Range("A2:A11") 
 Set s2 = Range("B2:B11")
 e = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(s, s2, "J")
 MsgBox e 
 End Sub

This sums the RR column where the TT column equals "J" and the answer is 23. But in the code i assign each column to a seperate Range in VBA. I would like to assign both columns to an array and do the sumifs from the array. The first part of the code would then look as follows,

Dim s() As Variant
ReDim s(1 To 10, 1 To 2)
s = Range("A2:B11")

How do i then reference the columns of the array in the sumifs function? (the first two entries in the sumifs function)

e = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(?, ?, "J")

I will at the end work with a much bigger dataset and if it is possible i would like not create a ton of seperate Ranges but just one array.

You could create a custom function to do this:

Public Function SumIf(lookupTable() As Variant, lookupValue As String) As Long
    Dim I As Long

    SumIf = 0

    For I = LBound(lookupTable) To UBound(lookupTable)
        If lookupTable(I, 1) = lookupValue Then
            SumIf = SumIf + lookupTable(I, 2)
        End If
    Next I
End Function
Sub M_snb()
  msgbox [sum((A1:A9)*(B1:B9="J"))]
End Sub


Sub M_snb()
  msgbox [sumproduct((A1:A9)*(B1:B9="J"))]
end sub


Sub M_snb()
  msgbox [sum(if(B1:B9="J",A1:A9,0))]
end sub

Thanks for the comments and the answers. I don't have to use arrays but it was my first choice and keeping with ranges is fine. I did find got it right with Ranges. And i did the following

 Sub test() 
 Dim s As Range 
 Set s = Range("A2:B11") 
 e = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(s.Columns(1), s.Columns(2), "J")
 MsgBox e 
 End Sub

This also gives me what i want.

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