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How to deserialize this XML (List inside Class)?

I have the following XML:

<CustomTabsConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <TaskLabel>Task 23</TaskLabel>
        <ButtonLabel />
        <ButtonType />
        <TaskParameters />
        <TaskLabel>Task 22</TaskLabel>
        <ButtonLabel />
        <TaskLabel>Task 21</TaskLabel>
        <ButtonLabel />
        <ButtonType />
        <TaskParameters />

I need to deserialize this into the following object (simplified for clarity):

// ####################################################
// CustomTab Model
// ####################################################
public class CustomTab
    public CustomTab()

    public String Header { get; set; }

    public Boolean TabIsVisible { get; set; }

    public TaskCollection TaskCollection { get; set; }

// ####################################################
// TaskCollection Model
// ####################################################
public class TaskCollection
    public TaskCollection()
        TaskList = new List<UtilitiesTask>();

    public List<UtilitiesTask> TaskList { get; set; }

// ####################################################
// UtilitiesTask Model
// ####################################################
public class UtilitiesTask
    public UtilitiesTask()


    public String TaskLabel { get; set; }

    public String ButtonLabel { get; set; }

    public TaskButtonTypeEnums? ButtonType { get; set; }

How can I get this XML to deserialize into this object? What I am stuck on is how to declare TaskCollection and TaskList so they are populated with <Tasks> & <Task> objects.

I cannot simply make TaskCollection a List object in CustomTab due to some other restrictions on this project.

I know the following would work if TaskCollection were a List under CustomTab:

[XmlArrayItem("Task", typeof(UtilitiesTask))]
public List<UtilitiesTask> TaskList { get; set; }

Thanks to Sinatr for pointing me to the related post. I resolved my issue by changing the following items:

//[XmlIgnore]   - removed this line and added the next line
public TaskCollection TaskCollection { get; set; }

[XmlElement("Task", typeof(UtilitiesTask))]
public List<UtilitiesTask> TaskList { get; set; }

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