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How do I get declared properties in Grails domain objects?

I'm trying to convert Grails domain objects to Map. I have a code that do it for POGOs using Apache Commons BeanUtils' PropertyUtils.describe . However, using the same code on domain objects just doesn't work because of all the stuff added by the Grails framework. I want to be able to convert any object to a Map with only the declared fields just like how Grails converts domain objects to JSON. What features can help me achieve this?

I would suggest something like this inside your domain class:

    public Map asMap() {
        this.class.declaredFields.findAll { !it.synthetic }.collectEntries {
          [ (it.name):this."$it.name" ]

There are other questions about the same problem, did you try this? Grails / Groovy - Domain Object - Map of its Properties

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