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refresh token is null using Spring Security OAuth2

I am trying to integrate Google OAuth 2 using Spring Security. Everything works well, but refresh_token is null.

Here is my config:

 @Bean public OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails googleOAuth2Details() { AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails googleOAuth2Details = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails(); googleOAuth2Details.setAuthenticationScheme(form); googleOAuth2Details.setClientAuthenticationScheme(form); googleOAuth2Details.setClientId(googleClientId); googleOAuth2Details.setClientSecret(googleClientSecret); googleOAuth2Details.setUserAuthorizationUri(googleOAuthUri); googleOAuth2Details.setAccessTokenUri(googleTokenUrl); googleOAuth2Details.setScope(asList("openid","email")); return googleOAuth2Details; } 

I read that in order to get refresh_token, access_type has to be "offline". But what is the way to set it in Spring?

I'm afraid that ' access_type ' param is not in scope of OAUTH2 Authorization (RFC 6749) and Spring doesn't have it by default, so you need to add it manually. Unfortunately I don't now correct way to do it right now, but I think that ' OAuth2RestTemplate#getAccessToken ' is a good place to start the investigation.

Also this post may be useful for you.

Try this: you may add the parameter "hard-configured" to googleOAuthUri , so:

googleOAuthUri = googleOAuthUri + "?access_type=offline";

and hopefully Spring does the right thing when adding the other parameters.

Also be aware that the refresh_token is only returned the first time that a user grants access to your client. Subsequent authorization requests will not produce a new refresh_token since it is assumed that your client has stored that from the first request.

You can create customizing implementation of OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver and add additionalParameters(..) with "access_type"="offline" as described at Spring security documentation .

public class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private final ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository;

    public OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository) {
        this.clientRegistrationRepository = clientRegistrationRepository;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                        new CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver(

public class CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver implements OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver {
    private final OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver defaultAuthorizationRequestResolver;

    public CustomAuthorizationRequestResolver(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository) {
        this.defaultAuthorizationRequestResolver = new DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver(clientRegistrationRepository, OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter.DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_BASE_URI);

    public OAuth2AuthorizationRequest resolve(HttpServletRequest request) {
        final OAuth2AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = this.defaultAuthorizationRequestResolver.resolve(request);
        return authorizationRequest != null ? customAuthorizationRequest(authorizationRequest) : null;

    public OAuth2AuthorizationRequest resolve(HttpServletRequest request, String clientRegistrationId) {
        final OAuth2AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = this.defaultAuthorizationRequestResolver.resolve(request, clientRegistrationId);
        return authorizationRequest != null ? customAuthorizationRequest(authorizationRequest) : null;

    private OAuth2AuthorizationRequest customAuthorizationRequest(OAuth2AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest) {
        Map<String, Object> additionalParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>(authorizationRequest.getAdditionalParameters());
        additionalParameters.put("access_type", "offline");
        return OAuth2AuthorizationRequest.from(authorizationRequest)

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