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Hierarchical Bookmark Generation in PDF using iText library

I have data in ArrayList like below :

static ArrayList<DTONodeDetail> tree;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    tree=new ArrayList<DTONodeDetail>();

     //first argument->NodeId
     // third -> ParentNodeId



public static DTONodeDetail getDTO(int nodeId,String nodeName,int parentID)
    DTONodeDetail dto=new DTONodeDetail();

    return dto;

I am able to display above data in tree structure like below :


I have try Using Chapter class of itext library but unable to know how can i generate hierarchical bookmark.

My Question is can i create hierarchical bookmark(like above) in pdf using itext java library ?

In PDF terminology, bookmarks are referred to as outlines . Please take a look at the CreateOutline example from my book to find out how to create an outline tree as shown in this PDF: outline_tree.pdf


We start with the root of the tree:

PdfOutline root = writer.getRootOutline();

Then we add a branch:

PdfOutline movieBookmark = new PdfOutline(root, 
            new PdfDestination(
                PdfDestination.FITH, writer.getVerticalPosition(true)),
            title, true);

To this branch, we add a leaf:

PdfOutline link = new PdfOutline(movieBookmark,
            new PdfAction(String.format(RESOURCE, movie.getImdb())),
            "link to IMDB");

And so on.

The key is to use PdfOutline and to pass the parent outline as a parameter when constructing a child outline.

Update based on comment:

There's also an example called BookmarkedTimeTable where we create the outline tree in a completely different way:

ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> outlines = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

In this case, map is the root object to which we can add branches and leaves. Once we're finished, we add the outline tree to the PdfStamper like this:


Note that PdfStamper is the class we need when we manipulate an existing PDF (as opposed to PdfWriter which is to be used when we create a PDF from scratch).

Additional update based on yet another comment:

To create a hierarchy, you just need to add kids.

First level:

HashMap<String, Object> calendar = new HashMap<String, Object>();
calendar.put("Title", "Calendar");

Second level:

HashMap<String, Object> day = new HashMap<String, Object>();
day.put("Title", "Monday");
ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> days = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
calendar.put("Kids", days);

Third level:

HashMap<String, Object> hour = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hour.put("Title", "10 AM");
ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> hours = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();
day.put("Kids", hours);

And so on...

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