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Inserting using PDO bindValue in php

I am trying to use the PDO bindValue but its not working on my side.

 public static function insert($tableName, $columnValues = array()) {
        $columns = array_keys ( $columnValues );
        $columns = '`' . implode ( '`,`', $columns ) . '`';
        $values = null;
        $x = 1;
        $y = 1;
        foreach ( $columnValues as $value ) {
            $values .= '?';
            if ($x < count ( $columnValues )) {
                $values .= ',';
            $x ++;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} ($columns) VALUES($values)" . '</br>';
        if ($sqlString = DatabaseConnection::getConnectionInstance ()->pdo->prepare ( $sql )) {
            foreach ( $columnValues as $value ) {
                $sqlString->bindValue ( $y, $value );
                $y ++;
            if ($sqlString->execute ()) {
                echo 'executed';

        return false;

I have modified your function to use lazy binding see PDO info . NOTE your implode() was not quite right. I have added echos to show results wich you should remove after testing.

public static function insert($tableName, $columnValues = array()) {
        $columns = array_keys( $columnValues );
        $params = array_values( $columnValues );// Array to hold values for lazy binding
        $columns = '`' . implode ("`,`",  $columns ) . '`';
        $values = null;
        $x = 1;/*
        $y = 1;*/
        foreach ( $columnValues as $value ) {
            $values .= '?';
            if ($x < count ( $columnValues )) {
                $values .= ',';
            $x ++;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} ($columns) VALUES($values)" . '</br>';
        if ($sqlString = DatabaseConnection::getConnectionInstance ()->pdo->prepare ( $sql )) {
            echo $sql;//For Testing
            echo "<br>";//For Testing
            var_dump($params);//For Testing
           if ($sqlString->execute ($params)) {
                echo 'executed';

        return false;

This function produces

INSERT INTO test (`Peter`,`Ben`,`Joe`) VALUES(?,?,?)

array(3) { [0]=> int(35) [1]=> int(37) [2]=> int(43) }  


$columnValues =  array("Peter"=>35, "Ben"=>37, "Joe"=>43);
$tableName ="test";   
insert($tableName, $columnValues)   

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