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how do I upload files to my google app engine project without deploying?

I need to upload files to my Google app engine java server and I don`t want to deploy the whole project each time i add or update a file. how can that be done?

for example i have images i want to add and change the logging.properties level

Thanks, Ido

If you use the ./appcfg.sh update command it will upload only the modified files


 Beginning interaction for module default... 0% Created staging directory at: '/var/folders/cy/rj8846m10y7cf9fvlqsd02q40000gn/T/appcfg8132912209396336329.tmp' 5% Scanning for jsp files. 20% Scanning files on local disk. 25% Initiating update. 28% Cloning 52 static files. 31% Cloning 64 application files. 40% Uploading 2 files. 52% Uploaded 1 files. 61% Uploaded 2 files. 68% Initializing precompilation... 73% Sending batch containing 1 file(s) totaling 9KB. 77% Sending batch containing 1 blob(s) totaling 9KB. 90% Deploying new version. 95% Closing update: new version is ready to start serving. 98% Uploading index definitions. Update for module default completed successfully. Success. Cleaning up temporary files for module default... 

As updating the code or part of it will be always needed (even if you only wanat upload statics files), there is no way to upload specific files, what you can do is to set up a Git repositorie to enable the Push-to-Deploy feature [1].

If you'd die for having this functionality, you could give it a try opening a feature request [2].

[1] https://cloud.google.com/tools/repo/push-to-deploy-quickstart

[2] https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/FilingIssues?tm=3

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