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variable number of arguments in ndgrid in MATLAB

I would like to generate a matrix of references. This code works but I would like to use a variable size of set. I can't manage that... Thanks for helping !

cpt = 1;
for ll = 1: 3
    nb_rules = 5;
    sets{cpt} = [1 : nb_rules];
    cpt = cpt +1;

[x y z] = ndgrid(sets{:});% Here begins the trouble :
mat_ref = [x(:) y(:) z(:)];% what if size is not 3 ?

Use a cell -array GRID on the receiving end, to get a programmatic comma-separated list :

N = numel(sets);
[GRID{1:N}] = ndgrid(sets{:});
mat_ref = reshape(cat(N+1,GRID{:}),[],N)

(No need to declare GRID = cell(..) first.)

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