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T4 Template in VS 2015

How do I get T4 Template support in Visual Studio 2015 ?
In VS 2015 the file property does not allow to specify the *tt file to be marked and allow to run from context menu.
I am using VS 2015 CTP6.

Tried VS2015 Ultimate CTP6 and T4 support is in (as well as debugging T4 which is nice). One specify TextTemplatingFileGenerator as Custom tool as before and when saving the .TT file it is executed.

There's a context menu called "Run Custom Tool" which seems to execute the .TT file as well.

As far as I can tell, the properties in the csproj have to be correct for the t4 template debug options to show up. This works for me in vs 2015 update 1

There's two sections, the template and the output file.

<Content Include="Entities\DataGenerator.tt">

<Compile Include="Entities\DataGenerator.cs">

*Note that TextTemplatingFileGenerator is case sensitive.

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