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best way to get source URL of custom iOS scheme in QML

I am new to Qt and QML and am trying to build my first App for iOS. I need to get the contents of a custom URL Scheme that I defined in info.plist (myApp://). The URL scheme works and the apps opens when I open any url myApp://xyz. Now I need to get the contents of the URL (the xyz).

Trying to do that for the past days and not succeeding and also not finding a good manual on how to do it best, I ask here. What I understood so far: Some people create their own application delegates. There are few examples on github that use older Qt versions (I use 5.4), but I did not manage to integrate them into my app and it seems rather complex for this easy thing. Also, as I see here: https://github.com/qtproject/qtbase/blob/stable/src/plugins/platforms/ios/qiosapplicationdelegate.mm the URL is somehow already handled by Qt. I am not sure if Qt Desktop Services http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/QDesktopServices.html , handle it, but (it seems) it is not available from QML.

What's the best way to do that? Thanks a lot.

I finally made it work using QDesktopServices and a signal for QML.


#include <QDesktopServices>


class HandleURL : public QObject

    void incomingURL(QString path);

public slots:
     void handleURL(const QUrl &url);


HandleURL.cpp emit the signal

void HandleURL::handleURL(const QUrl &url)
   emit incomingURL(url.toString());

In main.cpp, setURLHandler and create QML Context Property

HandleURL *URLHandler = new HandleURL();
QDesktopServices::setUrlHandler("myscheme", URLHandler, "handleURL");
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("URLHandler", URLHandler);

In QML, listen to Signal

            target: URLHandler;
            onIncomingURL: { console.log("Incoming Signal: "+path)



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