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angularjs JavaScript inheritance, fail to bind data from view to a controller

what am trying to do is to get data from the form use it in my controller in HTTP post call but it's not working

I know i might have problem with inheritance of scopes but icant solve it. here is my controller code:

.controller('SignUpCtrl', function($scope, $http, $state) {  
 $scope.submit = function() {

   var url = 'http://localhost:3000/register';
   var user = {
        email: $scope.email,
        password: $scope.password,
   $http.post(url, user)
        console.log('You are now Registered');
        console.log('Could not register');
         //  $state.go('error');



Here is the code of my Template:

   <form name="register">
        <div class="list">
            <label class="item item-input no-border">
                <input name="fullname" type="text" ng-model="fullname" placeholder="Full Name" required="">
            <label class="item item-input">
                <input name="email" type="email" ng-model="user.email" placeholder="Email" required="">
            <p class="blue-font" ng-show="register.email.$dirty && register.email.$invalid">Please Write valid Email.</p>
            <label class="item item-input">
                <input name="password" type="password" ng-model="user.password" placeholder="Password" required="">
            <button ng-click="submit();" ng-disabled="register.$invalid" type="submit" class="button signup-btn sharb-border white-font blue-bg-alt border-blue-alt ">
                Sign Up

Note: i tried the ng-submit its not really the problem

Inside the controller.

    .controller('SignUpCtrl', function($scope, $http, $state) {
      $scope.user = {
        email: '',
        password: ''
      $scope.submit = function() {

And this

    var user = {
      email: $scope.user.email,
      password: $scope.user.password

Also drop the ; in ng-click

    <button ng-click="submit()" ...>

尝试使用rootScope( docs.angularjs.org/$rootScope“ )。

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