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perlbrew: installing a perl module locally

I've got perlbrew installed on OS X fine, and can install Perl modules from CPAN, using 'cpanm' no problem.

But, now I'm attempting to install a Perl module provided from a software vendor, and that PM is not on CPAN - you download it from their application and install it "locally".

I'm not sure how to accomplish this with perlbrew ?

The documentation states to do a direct install, download the tar.gz file, extract it, then:

cd Infoblox-xxxxxxx/
 perl Makefile.PL
 make install

But if I do this, I guess it will install it for the OS Perl version, not my perlbrew install.

The other option mentioned is to create a local CPAN site and add the appliance URL (to grab the Perl module) to the list of sites. Is this possible with perlbrew ?

Thanks !

 cd Infoblox-xxxxxxx/ perl Makefile.PL make make install 

But if I do this, I guess it will install it for the OS Perl version, not my perlbrew install.

If you are using perlbrew to select your perl , it should install in the appropriate location for the perl you selected.

which perl will tell you which perl you are using.

If you want to use a specific perl without leaving things to perlbrew , you can always invoke the specific perl you want using its full path:

 cd Infoblox-xxxxxxx/
 ~/perl5/.../bin/perl Makefile.PL
 make install

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