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NSDictionary Key exists but returns nil

I have a dictionary which does contain an object but is returns nil.

// returns nil
(lldb) po [_contentRatings objectForKey:rating]
// this is the rating string
(lldb) po rating
// using a literal string works
(lldb) po [_contentRatings objectForKey:@"'=7+'"]

It must be not liking the quotes since this fails string equality:

(lldb) po @"'=7+'"
(lldb) po rating
(lldb) p (BOOL)[@"'=7+'" isEqualToString:rating]
(BOOL) $10 = NO

'unicode :撇号)标记与'unicode :右单引号)不同,因此'=7+'不等于'=7+' (请注意最后一个字符)

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