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Can I have a different Extension method for IEnumerable<T> than for <T>?

I have an extension method that works on any class, but I want to call a special version if I am working on IEnumerable<T> .

For Example

public static class ExtensionMethods

    public static dynamic Test<T>(this T source)
        dynamic expandoObject = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
        var dictionary = (IDictionary<string,object>)expandoObject;

        dictionary["Test"] = source.ToString();

        return dictionary;

    public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Test<T>(this List<T> source)
        var result = new List<dynamic>();
        foreach(var r in source)
            yield return r.Test();          

    public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Test<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
        var result = new List<dynamic>();
        foreach(var r in source)
            yield return r.Test();          

// Usage

public class X 
    string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

void Main()
    List<X> list = new List<X>() { new X() };

    list.Test().Dump();                     // Correct but only works because there is an explicit overload for List<T>

    var array = list.ToArray();
    ((IEnumerable<X>) array).Test().Dump(); // Correct

     array.Test().Dump(); // Calls the wrong extension method

Is there any way I can get array.Test() to call the IEnumerable version without having to explicitly cast it?

Alternatively, if I give the extension method different names, if there any way I can get a compiler error if I accidently use the wrong one?

I think you are trying to solve it in a wrong direction. The List implements IEnumerable interface and as such the compiler can have problem with solving the best method will be invoked on List. What you could do -- you could test if the IEnumerable is a list inside the extension method.

public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Test<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
    if (source is List<T>) {
        // here 
    var result = new List<dynamic>();
    foreach(var r in source)
        yield return r.Test();          

You can specify T and not rely on type inference, this will hint compiler to use correct extension method. Code would look like this:

var array = list.ToArray();

What happens is, that compiler cannot tell which extension to use, since Array is valid argument for both method signatures:

public static dynamic Test<T>(this T source) { .. }

public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Test<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) { .. }

In first case compiler can assume T is of type Array . Because of it, compiler has to picks one (might be first defined?).

Add this extension method to explicitly catch all array types:

public static IEnumerable<dynamic> Test<T>(this T[] source)
    var result = new List<dynamic>();
    foreach(var r in source)
        yield return r.Test();          

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