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custom grunt task naming convention

Is there any convention regarding naming custom grunt tasks that include more than one word? For example: grunt-json-schema grunt plugin has json_schema task . One name includes dashes ( - ), the other includes underscores ( _ ).

Obviously, dashed-name can't be used as a JavaScript object key:

    json-schema: { // WON'T work

they have to be enclosed in quotes:

    'json-schema': { // will work

I checked all official plugins ( grunt-contrib-* ), but they all consist of only one word. The motivation foor this question is simple: I just want to follow conventions.


Short answer: Plugin/custom task names do not have to correlate to a specific config object name.

The Grunt.js api allows access to the config object using the method grunt.config . Tasks & Plugins have access to the entire object, not just the sub object correlating to the name.

For example, I could create a task called foo that accesses the config from bar :

    bar: {
        baz: true

grunt.registerTask('foo', 'example custom task', function () {
    var config = grunt.config('bar');

Best practice: Plugin developers should name the key for their config object similar to the plugin name itself. This helps mitigate conflicts with other plugins who could reference similar.

    foo: {
        baz: true

grunt.registerTask('foo', 'example custom task', function () {
    var config = grunt.config('foo');

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