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How can i load the strategy map using spring and annotations?

I'm implementing the strategy pattern using spring and to Load the correct strategy implementation, follow this example:

public class ShippingServiceImpl implements ShippingService {
 // Map of strategies
 private Map<ShippingType,ShippingCostStrategy> shippingCostStrategies;

 public void setShippingCostStrategies(Map<ShippingType,ShippingCostStrategy> strategies) {
  this.shippingCostStrategies = strategies;

 public BigDecimal calculateShippingCost(ShoppingCart cart) {
  return shippingCostStrategies.get(cart.getShippingType()).shippingCost(cart);

 // ...other business logic...

How is the best way to Load this strategy Map? I want a specific method that loads the map and pass to setShippingCostStrategies ? Can i do it using spring Annotations? because in this example, the author do it using configuration:

<bean id="shippingService"        class="it.nicus.springstrategy.ShippingServiceImpl">
 <property name="shippingCostStrategies">
    <key><util:constant  static-  field="it.nicus.springstrategy.ShippingType.NORMAL"/></key>
    <bean class="it.nicus.springstrategy.PerItemCostStrategyImpl">
     <property name="baseCost" value="5.00"/>
     <property name="costPerItem" value="2.00"/>
    <key><util:constant  static-  field="it.nicus.springstrategy.ShippingType.PRIME"/></key>
    <bean class="it.nicus.springstrategy.FixedCostStrategyImpl">
     <property name="fixedCost" value="3.00" />

You can register the map as bean using <util:map> tag, and then use @Resource annotation to autowire that map.

<util:map id="strategyMap">
            <util:constant static-field="it.nicus.springstrategy.ShippingType.NORMAL" />
        <bean class="it.nicus.springstrategy.PerItemCostStrategyImpl">
            <property name="baseCost" value="5.00" />
            <property name="costPerItem" value="2.00" />
            <util:constant static-field="it.nicus.springstrategy.ShippingType.PRIME" />
        <bean class="it.nicus.springstrategy.FixedCostStrategyImpl">
            <property name="fixedCost" value="3.00" />

And then, in ShippingServiceImpl class, inject it like this:

public class ShippingServiceImpl implements ShippingService {
   // Map of strategies
    private Map<ShippingType,ShippingCostStrategy> shippingCostStrategies;

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