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Spring Boot with embedded Tomcat ignores Method Roles

i use Spring Boot 1.2.1 with embedded Tomcat and Spring Boot Starter Security. Furthermore I use a RestController for some webservices and I want that only certain users with certain roles can access the webservices. But it does not work, the security does not use the RoleVoter to check the roles. With the following example the user "user" can access the webservices although he hasnt the right roles!

First my application configuration

@ImportResource( "classpath:net/bull/javamelody/monitoring-spring.xml" )
@PropertySource( "classpath:application.properties" )
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity( securedEnabled = true )
public class ItemConfiguration { ... }

Now my security configuration

@Order( SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER )
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

  protected void configure( AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth ) throws Exception {
    auth.inMemoryAuthentication().withUser( "user" ).password( "password" ).roles( "USER" );

  protected void configure( HttpSecurity http ) throws Exception {

The Restcontroller

public class QueryController {

  @Secured( { "ROLE_ADMIN" } )
  @RequestMapping( value = "/", method = { POST }, consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE },
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE )
  ResponseEntity< List< BaseEntity > > query( @RequestBody @Valid final ItemQueryRequestData request )
      throws Exception {
      return new ResponseEntity<>( "", HttpStatus.OK );


spring.data.mongodb.database = item
spring.data.mongodb.host = ${MONGODB_URI:pimpoc01}
spring.data.mongodb.port = ${MONGODB_PORT:27017}


queue.item.in.channelId = item-in
queue.item.in.concurrentConsumers = 1
queue.item.in.destination = item-in

queue.itemOption.in.channelId = itemOption-in
queue.itemOption.in.concurrentConsumers = 1
queue.itemOption.in.destination = itemOption-in

queue.style.in.channelId = style-in
queue.style.in.concurrentConsumers = 1
queue.style.in.destination = style-in

queue.concurrentConsumers = 50
queue.dataCreation.response = dataCreationResponse

queue.structureAttributeValue.in.channelId = structureAttributeValue-in
queue.structureAttributeValue.in.concurrentConsumers = 1
queue.structureAttributeValue.in.destination = structureAttributeValue-in

validation.endpoint = ${VALIDATOR_URI:http://pimpoc01:8080/validator}

Thanks for any help!

Remove the below line from security configuration. I think @Order annotation is overriding the basic authentication.

@Order( SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER )


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