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Maven. Profile. Properties and System.getProperty()

I want to use different maven profiles to set different parameters for tests needs. Parameter is a URL. Tests are on Groovy. I'm trying this:



And groovy code: baseUrl = System.getProperty("useUrl")

System.getProperty("useUrl") always returns 'null'.

But if I make configuration in surefire plugin like this:


Code System.getProperty("useUrl") will return exactly what I expected - value from active profile ( http://url or http://url2 ).

System information: Maven 3.2.5 Windows 8.1 Intellij IDEA 14.0.2

Could someone explain why profile properties don't work? Or what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Maven properties are not system properties.

If you need to read/use system properties, you have to explicitly define it in a proper maven plugin, eg:

  • maven-surefire plugin for unit tests
  • maven-jetty-plugin for Jetty servlet container
  • exec-maven-plugin for running your application using maven
  • properties-maven-plugin for general usage

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