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Drop down in HTML table and have selected value in table data in javascript

I have Dropdown in html Table

                <td contenteditable="true">
                                <select class="currentCulture form-control">

                             <option value="0" >1</option>
                             <option value="1" >2</option>
                            <option value="2" >3</option>


                             <td contenteditable="true">Stir Fry</td>
                             <td contenteditable="true">stir-fry</td>
                             <td contenteditable="true">Stir Fry</td>

I return the whole data of HTML table to my controller in json form with ajax call

      var table = $('#datatable').tableToJSON();
        var datatosend = JSON.stringify(table)
                type: "POST",
                url: '/SalesContracts/addd',
                data: datatosend,
                dataType: 'json',
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                success: function () {
                error: function (ex) {
                    alert('Failed to retrieve states.' + ex);

And getting Result like


       "Brand": "1\n  2\n   3", 
        "Model": "Stir Fry",
        "Name": "stir-fry",
        "Quantity": "Stir Fry",
        "Unit": "stir-fry",
        "Price Cost": "Stir Fry",
        "SubTotal": "stir-fry",
         "": ""

} ]}

I am receiving all three options of select(Dropdown) "brand" I just want to get the selected one in Jsondata. Is there any possible solution for this?? . I will be thankfull if someone help me.Thank you.

TableTojson Method

    (function(e){e.fn.tableToJSON=function(t){var n={ignoreColumns:[],onlyColumns:null,ignoreHiddenRows:!0,headings:null};t=e.extend(n,t);var r=function(e){return e!==undefined&&e!==null?!0:!1},i=function(n){return r(t.onlyColumns)?e.inArray(n,t.onlyColumns)===-1:e.inArray(n,t.ignoreColumns)!==-1},s=function(t,n){var r={};return e.each(n,function(e,n){e<t.length&&(r[t[e]]=n)}),r},o=function(t){var n=[];return e(t).children("td,th").each(function(t,s){if(!i(t)){var o=e(s).data("override"),u=e.trim(e(s).text());n[n.length]=r(o)?o:u}}),n},u=function(e){var n=e.find("tr:first").first();return r(t.headings)?t.headings:o(n)},a=function(n,i){var u=[];return n.children("tbody,*").children("tr").each(function(n,a){if(n!==0||r(t.headings))if(e(a).is(":visible")||!t.ignoreHiddenRows)u[u.length]=s(i,o(a))}),u},f=u(this);return a(this,f)}})(jQuery);

IF there is another way to get tabledata with selected dropdown value please guide me to that.Thank you.

I don't know whether this is will help you or may be this is not the optimized approach but it will do the job . Can't you remove the not selected option and generate the json.

I have added a temp div and cloned the table and added to that

<div id="tempdiv" style="visibility:hidden">

var tempTable=$("#tempdiv").children(0);
var sel = tempTable.find(".currentCulture");

var table = (tempTable).tableToJSON();

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