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Animate a button as music plays

I want to implement a play/pause button which is filling up, as the music is played. My first try was to create a timer which fires at 20 FPS (every 50ms) and call View.invalidate() on my button. The button itself had a customer onDraw(...) method which would, only statically for now, draw a bitmap to the canvas.

However, then running this in the simulator (I use GenyMotion) I immediately noticed that the sounds is jiggling, as if the CPU couldn't handle it.

I am a beginner in Android, so before experimenting in different way I would like to know, what is the recommended approach to animate a button as the music plays?

  • Using a timer?
  • Somehow using an animation?
  • Can I speed up drawing? I will need to draw a masked and an unmasked bitmap, so these might be somehow CPU intense operations.

Suggestions I would like to give:

  • Always preload bitmaps/images before animation. Loading resources on the fly can affect performance.
  • Use Thread to perform operations.
  • The best way to handle the above 2, is to use SurfaceView
  • Handler is another way for performing timer tasks using handler.postDelayed()

There is a beautiful sample code from Android on "How to make simple native games using SurfaceView", using threads and pre-loading bitmaps, called LunarLander .

If you look at LunarView.java code, they are using thread named LunarThread which is created on constructor of LunarView and started with the surface is created .

It's inside the LunarThread they are performing all heavy task even drawing (inside thread's run method).

Basic OverView of LunarView:

  • On constructor, creates thread LunarThread , which preloads bitmaps and perform related tasks
  • When surface is created, starts the thread. Thread continuously runs/ gets paused, until the boolean flag mRun value is changed.
  • Inside run method, it gets the canvas from surfaceView, locks and draw everything onto canvas for that frame, and un-locks.
  • Its draws all time,till mRun value changed or when surface is destroyed(stops the thread, inside surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) method)

Use SurfaceView, you will see difference.

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