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Insert XML Data to MySQL Table Using PHP

I am trying to insert xml data to my sql but it is not inserting. how to write the foreach(xml->) for this type of xml.the xml is generated dynamically in this structure.this is a sample xml in this format

$xmlData =<<< END
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<address>Cresent Drive, TX</address>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlData) or die("ERROR: Cannot create SimpleXML object");
$connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "Customers") or die ("ERROR: Cannot connect");

foreach ($xml->Customer as $Customer) {
$id = $Customer->id;
echo "$id";
$name =  $Customer->name;
$address = $Customer->address;

$sql = "INSERT INTO customerdata (id, name, address ) VALUES ('$id', '$name', '$address')";
mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die ("ERROR: " .mysqli_error($connection) . " (query was $sql)");

Assuming you have multiple customers...

$sXmlString =<<< END
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<address>Cresent Drive, TX</address>
<address>Cresent Drive 2, TX</address>

$oXml       = simplexml_load_string($sXmlString);
$sJson      = json_encode( $oXml );
$aContent   = json_decode( $sJson, TRUE );
$aCustomers = $aContent[ 'Customer' ];
var_dump( $aCustomers );
$iCountCustomers = count( $aCustomers );
for( $i = 0; $i < $iCountCustomers; ++$i )
    $sId      = $aCustomers[ $i ][ 'id' ];
    $sName    = $aCustomers[ $i ][ 'name' ];
    $sAddress = $aCustomers[ $i ][ 'address' ];
    var_dump( $sId );
    var_dump( $sName );
    var_dump( $sAddress );

You need to edit your XML document, encapsulate the document with this tag:
<Customers> ... </Customers>

So the beginning portion of your code should look like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
$sXmlString =<<< END
    <address>Cresent Drive, TX</address>

EDIT: OP is unable to edit the XML provided, I assume it is structured where new customers would be added in with additional id, name, address entities. Here is the updated code for OP:

$xmlData =<<< END
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <address>Cresent Drive, TX</address>
  <address> 123 Longhorn </address>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlData) or die("ERROR: Cannot create SimpleXML object");
$connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "Customers") or die ("ERROR: Cannot connect");

/* Assumes that the number of IDs = number of customers */
$size = sizeOf($xml->id);
$i = 0; //index

/* Add each customer to the database, See how we reference it as    $xml->ENTITY[INDEX] */
while($i != $size) 
    //echo $xml->id[$i]; //Test
    $sql = "INSERT INTO customerdata (id, name, address ) VALUES ('$xml->id[$i]', '$xml->name[$i]', '$xml->address[$i]')";
    mysqli_query($connection, $sql) or die ("ERROR: " .mysqli_error($connection) . " (query was $sql)");

    $i++; //increment index


I also added in an additional customer id with data. You can remove that and the code will still work fine.

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