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How to get fields from the child table in the result set

I have join between two tables. Instruments is the parent table and Statuses are the child table. I am looking only to retrieve those instruments having the inst_status = 'Active' in the child Statuses table.

i = Instrument.joins(:statuses).where("statuses.inst_status='Active'")

The resulted query generated is:

SELECT "instruments".* FROM "instruments" INNER JOIN "statuses" ON "statuses"."instrument_id" = "instruments"."id" WHERE (statuses.inst_status='Active')

Which is OK it is returning only 55 instruments which are Active. However, how can I get the fields from the Statuses (child) table in the result set along with the fields from the (parent) Instruments table?

Well, You have to use select method for this :

          .select("inst‌​ruments.*, statuses.*")

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